Wednesday, January 05, 2005

What's on the back of YOUR car?


Let's look at things realistically. Who do those magnetic ribbons REALLY support? You know, the ones that say "Support Our Troops" and "Proud to Be an American".

Those magnetic ribbons support:

1. The slimy leach bastards who are capitalizing on the deaths of American men and women who are made to participate in an illegal and immoral war.
2. The owners of auto-body shops who repair the scratches on the beemers and benz's left by magnetic strips of crap.
3. The redneck jerkoffs who think that people who are against unnecessary war are unamerican.
4. The 51% of Americans who think it's a sin to kill innocent fetus's but commendable to kill innocent non-christians.

You know who REALLY supports our troops? Voluntarily or otherwise, the people who REALLY support our troops are people like me who've been paying income taxes for over thirty years. Unfortunately, MY tax contributions must be going to pay for Bush's inaugural gala because the troops over there STILL aren't getting the body armor and vehicle armor they need. And...if I had my way, MY tax contributions would go to support social programs in the U.S. and relief efforts in areas affected by recent natural disasters. But...regular folks have little say concerning where their tax money goes...even less since the Patriot Act went into effect. Anyone complaining about how his tax money is used THESE days is in danger of disappearing. (I think Orwell called it "becoming a non-person".)

Oh...and ANOTHER thing about things people are putting on the rear ends of their vehicles: I don't give a FUCK whether little Johnny is an honor student at Joseph McCarthy middle school. I don't give a SHIT whether Jesus Saves or Jesus is Lord (whatever THAT means) and I don't give a good DAMN whether Jesus Loves You. What kind of insecure asshole cares what some stranger driving behind him thinks or believes anyway?

The only bumper sticker I've approved of recently was one that said "Jesus Loves You. Everyone else thinks you're an asshole." At least THAT one made me chuckle.

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