Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The Bush Bunch: Masters of Misdirection

Weapons of Mass Deception
For months, we've been hearing the phrase "Weapons of Mass Destruction" repeated over and over again as a main reason for the U.S. invasion of Iraq. In reality, even if we HAD found WMDs (which we didn't), it wouldn't have warranted our unprovoked invasion of another sovreign nation any more than OUR possession of WMDs (since about 1945) gives other nations the right to attack us. But the Bush Bunch loves to play on the fears of the American public to achieve its ends. Misdirection at its finest.

Prisoner Abuse
Prisoner abuse, while wrong (according to established rules of war), is a subject the Bush Bunch would MUCH prefer brought to public attention than hundreds of dead American servicemen and countless dead innocent Iraqui citizens. That's probably why the abuse happened and why the Republican-led Armed Services Committee is focussing so much attention on the investigation. More misdirection.

Heavy Medals
I have to give the Bush Bunch points for outrageous audacity for their covert but obvious backing of the so-called "Swift-Boat Veterans for Truth". It takes HUGE chutspa for a man with no medals at all who blew off a good portion of his military service (Bush) to question the awarding of medals for bravery and service to a REAL veteran (Kerry) by the very government that the medal-free pseudo-veteran (Bush) is supposed to represent. Ultimate misdirection.

When Clinton Lied, Nobody Died
So...what is another word for misdirection? LIES! Bill Clinton was impeached for his lie about a sexual indiscretion. The Bush Bunch hopes to stay in power through lies that lead to the deaths of hundreds of American servicemen. I hope to God the American public doesn't let that happen.

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