Sunday, January 13, 2019

There's a huge percentage of people in America who believe that the Biblical story of creation is meant to be taken literally. It's great to live in an environment where people are all free to have their own personal beliefs. And the Biblical story of creation does portray a god that is truly an awesome being. Equally awesome (maybe more so), is the idea that in an environment where entropy is the norm, the universe has repeatedly gone through sets of "Goldilocks conditions" that led from the Big Bang to the way things exist today. For instance, conditions had to be perfect for: the Big Bang itself, the formation of stars, the formation of elements within stars (and exploding stars), the formation of planets, the appearance of life on our planet (and possibly others) and finally the evolution of intelligent life. Personally, I see a much more compelling argument for the existence of god when I consider the amazing complexity of the
universe transforming from chaos to order over a period of 13.8 billion years. But if you prefer the idea of a being that produces a different aspect of Creation every day for six days and then finds it necessary to rest on the seventh day, once again, we live in an environment where people are all free to have their own personal beliefs.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, for those who don't know, the photo is of the Andromeda galaxy, the closest neighbor to our own Milky Way.
